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A silhouette of a child looking out at destroyed buildings

Children Living Outside of Family Care

Optimal support for a child comes from a caring and protective family. The collaborative focuses on ensuring that conversations concerning children living outside of family care consider the effect on a child’s development and adult outcomes.


Vladyslav Havrylov portrait

Vladyslav Havrylov

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues

2022-2024 Collaborative Fellow

Gillian Huebner portrait

Gillian Huebner

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues

Executive Director


Building Bridges for Every Child

February 1, 2021

This paper, co-authored by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, was published by UNICEF and illustrates how reception, care, and services for unaccompanied migrant children in the United States can be built around the best interests of each child.

Blog Posts

Caring for Vulnerable Children

October 26, 2023

There is global agreement illustrated by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most widely adopted human rights treaty in the world, that optimal support for a child comes from a caring and protective family. In addition, Catholic social teaching, outlined in the Compendium


Slavery, Child-family Separation, and the Catholic Church in the United States

September 11, 2023

The origin story of the Catholic Church in the United States includes a dependency on slave labor and sales to sustain itself and build its institutions. In 1838, a group of the United States’ most prominent Catholic priests, the Society of Jesuits, sold 272 enslaved people to save Georgetown…


Adam Rothman
The Children of the GU272

Adam Rothman, Professor of History at Georgetown University and Director of the Georgetown Center for the Study of Slavery and Its Legacies | October 2, 2023


Indigenous Communities, Child-Family Separation, and the Catholic Church (Video)

November 9, 2023

Duration: 1 hour 36 minutes

Comunidades indígenas, separación entre el niño y la familia, y la Iglesia católica (Video)

November 9, 2023

Duration: 1 hour 36 minutes

Communautés indigènes, séparation enfant-famille et Église catholique (Video)

November 9, 2023

Duration: 1 hour 36 minutes

Georgetown Units

A historic journal

Center for the Study of Slavery and Its Legacies Georgetown Unit

The Center for the Study of Slavery and Its Legacies is home to academic and research initiatives connected to Georgetown’s ongoing commitments in slavery, memory, and reconciliation. The center supports rigorous new scholarship and innovation in disseminating knowledge about the history of…