Gillian Huebner
Collaborative on Global Children's Issues
Gillian Huebner is the executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues at Georgetown University. A global child rights and protection specialist, Huebner's work focuses on supporting the development, strengthening, and coordination of programs and systems to enhance community-based and nationally owned approaches to building young people’s well-being, particularly in times of crisis. She believes in shifting focus from risks and deficits towards strength-based solutions, engaging young people, families, communities, and other stakeholders to identify what works. She has worked domestically and overseas with the UN, the U.S. government, foreign and local governments, private foundations, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and as an independent consultant. She co-founded the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues with Dr. Joan Lombardi in 2021.
- Serves as member of the Bring Kids Back task force at the invitation of the Office of the President of Ukraine.
- Worked with UNICEF to promote better reception, care, and services for newly arriving migrant and asylum-seeking children in the United States and ensure quality care for children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Served as the senior child development and protection advisor with USAID's Center for Children in Adversity, developing the first whole-of-government strategy for U.S. international assistance to children.
- Participated as a founding member of the National Academy of Medicine's Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally, a three-year global project.
- Established the U.S. office of J.K. Rowling’s child rights foundation, Lumos.
- Lived and worked in Angola, Belgium, The Netherlands, Russia, Sudan, and Ukraine.
Participating in:
December 17, 2024
News: New Course: Child Rights & Resilience
Georgetown University’s Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues is piloting “UNXD 4100: Child Rights & Resilience," a groundbreaking course offered through a collaboration with the Red House this spring 2025.
This class, taught by Gillian Huebner…
December 10, 2024
News: "On Being Young in America” Explores Social Healing Through Intergenerational Dialogue
On November 18, 2024, the Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues co-hosted “On Being Young in America,” which aimed to offer an alternative to divisive national discourse by elevating young voices and promoting…
October 24, 2024
News: Reintegration of Children Affected by Deportation and Forcible Transfers: International Standards and Best Practices for Ukraine
Gillian Huebner, executive director at the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, contributed to to this newly-released white paper as part of her duties as a member of the Bring Kids Back UA Task Force, convened by the Office of the President of…
August 27, 2024
News: Safeguarding Children from Forced Transfers and Deportation
Since February 2014, the Russian Federation has employed multiple strategies to threaten Ukrainian sovereignty, with the reported forcible transfer and/or deportation of children being among the most insidious. These actions are conducted under…
February 28, 2021
News: Building Bridges for Every Child: Reception, Care and Services to Support Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the United States
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative for Global Children's Issues, co-authored a report for UNICEF that provides a solutions-oriented approach to addressing the challenges related to child-sensitive reception and care of migrant…
September 18, 2017
News: Global Services and Support for Children with Developmental Delays and Disabilities: Bridging Research and Policy Gaps
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, co-authored this article outlining the global research and policy strategies needed to ensure children with developmental delays and disabilities are fully…
June 16, 2016
News: Beyond Survival: The Case for Investing in Young Children Globally
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, was the lead author of this article for the National Academy of Medicine. The discussion paper argues that global investment in young children is essential for…
September 10, 2014
News: Caregiver Behavior Change for Child Survival and Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Examination of the Evidence
In the Journal of Health Communication, the Collaborative for Global Children's Issues' Gillian Huebner and Joan Lombardi co-wrote this article examining effective behavior change interventions that target caregivers to enhance child survival and…
October 31, 2012
News: What are the Most Effective Early Response Strategies and Interventions to Assess and Address the Immediate Needs of Children Outside of Family Care?
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, co-wrote this article identifying evidence-based early response strategies and interventions for improving the outcomes of children outside of family care.
September 7, 2012
News: Protecting Children Outside of Family Care in Low and Middle Income Countries: What Does the Evidence Say?
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, co-wrote this article highlighting the urgent need for coordinated, evidence-based efforts to support vulnerable children living outside family care to address the…

March 21, 2024
Whose Story to Tell? Event

December 1, 2021
Working on the Front Lines of Protection Event
This is an opportunity for Georgetown University undergraduate and graduate students to meet Debbie Landis Feehery. Dr. Landis Feehery has more than 15 years of applied research and technical advisory experience with international organizations. She…

November 30, 2021
COVID-19, Children, and Caregiver Loss Event
The global response to COVID-19 has focused on prevention, detection, and response. In addition to significant concerns related to morbidity and mortality, the pandemic has had profound secondary impacts. A grave concern is the loss of caregivers…

Collaborating for Ukrainian Children: Reflecting on the Second Anniversary of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Essay
February 2024 marks the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has had devastating impacts on children and families. More than 7 million children are affected, having experienced violence, loss of family members,…

"On Being Young in America” Explores Social Healing Through Intergenerational Dialogue Feature
The conversation took place just two weeks after the 2024 U.S. presidential election as conversation participants On Being host Krista Tippett, MacArthur “Genius” Jason Reynolds, and Georgetown University student organizer Kessley Janvier (C'25)…

Q&A with Gillian Huebner, Executive Director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues at Georgetown University Feature
Throughout your career working with multilateral and non-profit organizations, governments, and private foundations, you have done tremendous work to support children at risk and build their resiliency. What motivates you to do this work?
I was…

Q&A with Joan Lombardi, Senior Fellow at the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues at Georgetown University Feature
What inspires your work on behalf of children, families, and communities?
Every child born in the world comes with so much potential—it still amazes me. This reality inspires me to make sure that every child, no matter where they are born, has the…

Students Engage Experts on Children’s Issues During Collaborative Workshop Series Feature
Designing Aid Policies to Support Children
Pierina Anton (G'23), a graduate student in the global human development program at the School of Foreign Service, attended a USAID-led workshop on “The Case for Including Children and Youth in Foreign…

Workshop Series Highlights Urgency and Hope on Global Children’s Issues Feature
From February 26 through March 2, 2023, the event series brought more than 200 people to campus throughout the week to engage with outstanding leaders like Jal who are supporting children at risk. Co-hosted by the Collaborative on Global Children’s…

Faith and the Family: A Reflective Conversation on the Church’s Interaction with Vulnerable Children and Families over Time Feature
Extreme poverty, inadequate access to social services, conflict, disaster, disability, forced labor, discrimination, and human rights violations have led to millions of children experiencing involuntary separation from their families, often living in…

Georgetown Launches Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues to Advance Research, Solutions Feature
Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia will highlight the creation of the collaborative as part of his opening remarks at a September 21 virtual convening hosted by the Vatican COVID-19 Commission on "Prepare The Future: Converting Covid-19…

February 1, 2021
Building Bridges for Every Child Publication
This paper, co-authored by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, was published by UNICEF and illustrates how reception, care, and services for unaccompanied migrant children in the United States can be…

December 10, 2020
It’s Time for Care: Prioritizing Quality Care for Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic Publication
This paper was written by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative for Global Children's Issues, and published by UNICEF. It outlines a five-point agenda to ensure children and their caregivers are included and prioritized in…

December 31, 2018
On the Side of Children and Youth in U.S. Government Foreign Policy and Assistance Publication
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, wrote this paper presenting an overview of the U.S. government international assistance architecture and advocacy landscape for children and youth during the first…

October 31, 2016
Review of Legislation and Policies that Support the Social Service Workforce in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Publication
This research report, written by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, and published by The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, offers an in-depth view of social service workforce-supportive…

October 27, 2015
All Children Count, But Not All Children Are Counted Publication
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, wrote this article for HuffPost to underscore the importance of improving efforts to collect data on the world’s most vulnerable children.

September 4, 2015
Children Should Not Have to Sacrifice Their Right to a Family to Receive an Education Publication
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, wrote this article, published by HuffPost, highlighting the detrimental impact of institutionalization on young children.

On the Front Line of Child Protection: Collaborative Research Fellows in Focus Video
April 10, 2024 | Join us as we delve into the critical importance of conducting child-centered research, along with best practices in the field. In today's rapidly evolving world, it is imperative that we prioritize the voices and experiences of…

The War Against Ukraine’s Children Video
Russia’s war on Ukraine is having devastating impacts on children and families. More than 7 million children are affected, having experienced violence, loss of family members, displacement, and disrupted education. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian…

Introducing the Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children's Issues Video
Georgetown University launched the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues in 2021 to foster cross-disciplinary research and dialogue on critical and emerging challenges affecting children around the world, with a particular focus on children in…

Communautés indigènes, séparation enfant-famille et Église catholique Video
Pendant des siècles, les enfants indigènes ont été retirés de leurs familles et envoyés dans des pensionnats ou placés dans des familles d'adoption non indigènes. Des centaines de milliers d'enfants amérindiens, autochtones de l'Alaska, des Premières…

Comunidades indígenas, separación entre el niño y la familia, y la Iglesia católica Video
Durante siglos, los niños indígenas fueron separados de sus familias y enviados a internados o colocados en familias adoptivas no indígenas. Cientos de miles de niños estadounidenses, nativos de Alaska, de las Primeras Naciones en Canadá, nativos de…

Indigenous Communities, Child-Family Separation, and the Catholic Church Video
For centuries, Indigenous children were removed from their families and sent to boarding schools or placed in adoptive non-Indigenous families. Hundreds of thousands of American Indian, Alaska Native, Canadian First Nations, Native Hawaiian, and…

Children on the Move: How Do Our Local Communities Respond to Children on the Move? Video
There are more children on the move than ever before – fleeing violence, climate disasters, and poverty – and seeking safety and protection within and across borders. Currently, nearly 40 percent of the 100 million displaced persons worldwide are…

Children on the Move: How Does the United States Respond to Children on the Move? Video
There are more children on the move than ever before – fleeing violence, climate disasters, and poverty – and seeking safety and protection within and across borders. Currently, nearly 40 percent of the 100 million displaced persons worldwide are…

Children on the Move: Lived Experience Is Expertise Video
There are more children on the move than ever before – fleeing violence, climate disasters, and poverty – and seeking safety and protection within and across borders. Currently, nearly 40 percent of the 100 million displaced persons worldwide are…

Esclavitud, separación entre niños y sus familias, e Iglesia católica en los Estados Unidos Video
La historia del origen de la Iglesia católica en los Estados Unidos incluye la dependencia de la mano de obra y la venta de personas esclavas para sostenerse y formar sus instituciones. En 1838, un grupo de los sacerdotes católicos más destacados de…

L'esclavage, la séparation enfant-famille et l'Église catholique aux États-Unis Video
L'histoire de l'Église catholique aux États-Unis est marquée par une dépendance à l'égard de la main-d'œuvre et des ventes d'esclaves pour assurer sa subsistance et bâtir ses institutions. En 1838, un groupe de prêtres catholiques parmi les plus…

Slavery, Child-family Separation, and the Catholic Church in the United States Video
The origin story of the Catholic Church in the United States includes a dependency on slave labor and sales to sustain itself and build its institutions. In 1838, a group of America’s most prominent Catholic priests, the Society of Jesuits, sold 272…

The Forcible Transfer and Deportation of Ukrainian Children by Russia: Search for Solutions Video
Thousands of children affected by the war in Ukraine have been separated from their families, communities, and country and forcibly transferred to Russian-occupied territories or deported to Russia. Some have been placed in Russian foster and …

La théologie de l’enfant, la prise en charge et la protection des enfants Video
Le phénomène de la séparation évitable de l’enfant de sa famille est vieux comme le monde. Les approches sociétales à l’égard des enfants risquant d’être éloignés de leurs parents sont largement influencées par les croyances et les habitudes…

La teología del niño, el cuidado y la protección de los niños Video
El fenómeno de la separación entre los niños y sus familias, algo que puede prevenirse, es tan antiguo como el tiempo. Los enfoques sociales de los niños que están en riesgo de perder el cuidado de sus padres dependen principalmente de creencias y…

The Theology of the Child, Children’s Care, and Protection Video
The phenomenon of preventable child-family separation is as old as time. Societal approaches to children at risk of losing parental care are largely informed by cultural beliefs and habits. Faith-based perspectives and responses are—and have always…

Songs and Stories of Adversity and Resilience Video
From his start in life as a child soldier in the war-torn region of South Sudan in the early 1980s, Emmanuel Jal has come through unimaginable struggles to become a successful and acclaimed recording artist and peace ambassador. As part of a series…

Innovating Protection for Migrant and Asylum-Seeking Children and Youth in U.S. Communities Video
The number of young people fleeing high levels of violence, crime, natural disasters, food insecurity, and poverty and crossing the U.S.-Mexico border reached a 20-year high in the U.S. government’s fiscal year 2021 (October 1, 2020 – September 30…

Innovating Protection for Children Along the Migratory Route and at the U.S.-Mexico Border Video
Children and families continue to travel between South and Central America, Mexico, and the United States in record numbers. Many experience abuse, exploitation, detention, deprivation, and discrimination along their migration journeys. International…

Innovating Protection for Children at Risk in the Americas Video
Hundreds of thousands of children are leaving their homes, either with family members or on their own, experiencing internal displacement and attempting to cross borders throughout the Americas. Those who embark on a migration journey do so for a…

Youth Matters: Engaging Young People in Research, Policy, and Practice Video
The Convention on the Rights of the Child – the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history – is clear: Young people have the right to be heard and participate in all matters affecting them. But to what extent are these principles actually…

COVID-19, Children, and Caregiver Loss Video
The global response to COVID-19 has focused on prevention, detection, and response. In addition to significant concerns related to morbidity and mortality, the pandemic has had profound secondary impacts. A grave concern is the loss of caregivers…