Collaborating for Ukrainian Children: Reflecting on the Second Anniversary of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
February 2024 marks the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has had devastating impacts on children and families. More than 7 million children are affected, having experienced violence, loss of family members, displacement, and disrupted education. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children have been separated from their families and communities and forcibly transferred to Russian-occupied territories or deported to Russia and Belarus.
The Collaborative on Global Children's Issues has compiled this resource list to provide further background on the impact of Russia's war on Ukraine's children and efforts to respond to child rights violations.
The Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues is committed to supporting Ukrainian government and civil society leaders, researchers, and international stakeholders. In our efforts to ensure that the impact of Russia’s war on Ukrainian children and our collective obligations to respond are fully understood, we invite you to explore the compilation of resources, events, and work below.
Related Events
The War Against Ukraine's Children
On February 2, 2024, the collaborative convened an event to highlight Russia’s systematic violation of child rights. Ukrainian government and civil society leaders outlined Ukrainian efforts to protect its children, and Canadian and U.S. government officials discussed measures international partners can take to support Ukraine’s future.
United Nations General Assembly Event: Fighting for the Future: Ukrainian Children in War
On September 19, 2023, a high-level event coinciding with the seventy-eighth UN General Assembly focused on tangible actions to be implemented to stop and alleviate suffering of children in Ukraine affected by Russia’s war. The event featured the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, and was moderated by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues.
The Forcible Transfer and Deportation of Ukrainian Children by Russia: Search for Solutions
In July 2023, the collaborative convened the first Washington, D.C.-based conversation on the forcible transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia. During this webinar, participants outlined the current situation, provided historical context, and discussed the response.
Research with Impact
Supporting the Office of the President of Ukraine through the Bring Kids Back UA Task Force
Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, is honored to serve at the request of the Office of the President of Ukraine on a task force to address the forced displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children. The group of experts includes senior leaders from the humanitarian, legal, and diplomatic fields and specialists in child rights.
Vladyslav Havrylov is a Ukrainian historian and religious scholar based in Kyiv and a research fellow with the collaborative. His current research focuses on the forcible transfer, deportation, adoption, re-education, and militarization of Ukrainian children by Russia. Vlad's work has been featured by Global News, the Atlantic Council, and more.