Resources for "Caring for Vulnerable Children"
These resources have been shared by panelists as background to the webinar on the April 25, 2023 event "Caring for Vulnerable Children."
Related Blog Posts
- Vladyslav Havrylov, The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Forcible Deportation of Ukrainian Children
- Philip Goldman, The Roman Catholic Church and Residential Care of Children: A Brief Historical Overview
- Elizabeth Ngami Syanda, Caring for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children:
The Catholic Church Embraces Better Options
- Emmanuel Nabieu, My Long Journey Back Home: Memories from an“Orphan” on a Quest to Find His Family and to Help Other Children Find Their Way Back Home, (2022)
- Why Children should grow up in Families and not Orphanages. TedX Talk by Emmanuel Nabieu. April 2021.
- Better Care Network is an interagency network facilitating global information exchange and collaboration on the issue of children without adequate family care. It hosts the world’s leading library of resources to facilitate global action for children without family care.
- Catholic Care for Children International is a visionary initiative led by Catholic sisters to ensure that every child grows up in a safe, nurturing family environment.
- Changing the Way We Care’s fundamental belief is that all children deserve to grow up in family homes rather than in residential care centers – sometimes referred to as “orphanages.” This initiative works to make this possible no matter where the child lives or what their challenges may be.
- Faith to Action offers churches, organizations, and individuals valuable resources that raise awareness about orphanages and family strengthening.
- The Lancet Group Commission on Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization advocates global reform of the care of separated children through the progressive replacement of institutional provision with safe and nurturing family-based care. It provides essential information on both the global scale of institutionalization and its physical, social, and mental health consequences. It presents a pragmatic roadmap for carefully managed change.
Studies and Reports
- Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) USA Impact Report. NPH USA. 2021.
- Residential Care: U.S. Christian Giving and Missions. This report contains the findings from a nationally representative study conducted by Barna Group of U.S. Christians to better understand U.S. Christian beliefs around and support for orphanages, children’s homes and other forms of residential care for children. It includes data on the amount of funding given to residential care, as well as visits and short-term missions to orphanages.
- United States Catholic Support for Overseas Residential Care: A Survey and Research Investigation of Catholic Organizations in the United States. This study has helped the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative to glean invaluable insights on U.S. Catholic Church support for children’s residential care facilities outside of the U.S. This data provides a foundation for building effective engagement and messaging strategies, as well as informing CTWWC’s future advocacy and influence work concerning support for family strengthening and care for vulnerable children by the U.S. Catholic community.
- 10.5 Million Children Lost a Parent or Caregiver Because of Covid, Study Says. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. September 6, 2022.
- Care, Protection of Children Requires “Human Qualities,” Says AMECEA Chairman. AMECEA Social Communications. May 27, 2022.
- Hillis, S., N’konzi, J.N., and Msemburi, W., et al. Orphanhood and Caregiver Loss Among Children Based on New Global Excess COVID-19 Death Estimates. JAMA Pediatrics. 2022;176(11):1145–1148.